B.Ed. Basic Education Programme


  1. AIMS

The aims of the programme are to:

  • Train professionally competent teachers who exhibit knowledge of Christ, moral uprightness and a passion to serve and transform society.
  • Provide a sound Christian environment for trainee teachers to acquire Christ-like attitude and principles for quality service as professional educators.
  • Provide teacher trainees with in-depth knowledge of the foundations of teaching and learning for effective classroom practice.
  • Create opportunities for trainees to undertake research and teaching service in educational institutions and communities.
  • Produce professionally-minded teachers who demonstrate commitment to the development of children and their environments.
  • Promote close working relationship between Christian Service University College and local basic schools.



On completion of the programme graduates should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of child development and apply this knowledge in teaching in basic schools.
  • Exhibit the skills, commitment, sensitivity and knowledge required in handling children.
  • Observe and assess children’s behaviour for use in planning and individualizing the curriculum.
  • Recognize the uniqueness of each child and the support to offer each child.
  • Plan and implement developmentally appropriate programmes that advance children’s learning and development including physical, social, emotional and intellectual competence.
  • Demonstrate a clear grasp of intended outcomes of their teaching activities, and be skilled in monitoring, and diagnosing problems.
  • Develop critical and analytical minds that will help them to evaluate situations.
  • Show understanding of the need for continued reflection and development.
  • Demonstrate the skills and knowledge to undertake research.



One of the following academic requirements is needed for admission:

  • Teachers with Diploma in Basic Education (minimum of 2nd Class – Lower Division) from Colleges of Education (these applicants will enter the programme at Level 300).
  • SSSCE credits (A-D) in six (6) subjects: three (3) electives from the Sciences, Arts, or Business programmes plus three (3) core subjects in English Language, Mathematics, and Integrated Science. Aggregate score should not exceed 24.
  • WASSCE credits (A1-C6) in six (6) subjects: three (3) electives from the Sciences, Arts, or Business programmes plus three (3) core subjects in English Language, Mathematics, and Integrated Science. The aggregate score should not exceed 36.
  • GCE Ordinary and Advanced Level holders: Candidates should have two (2) GCE Advanced Level passes and five (5) GCE Ordinary Level credits including English Language and Mathematics.

Mature Applicants

  • Mature students must not be less than 25 years at the time of admission, and should have a reasonable degree of education and work experience. They will be required to pass an entrance examination in English Language, Mathematics and Introduction to Computing.



Progression from one year level to another will be based on continuous assessment (40%) and the main examination (60%) on semester basis.  Students who fail a paper every semester will however progress to the next year level but will trail the said paper.  Students with trailing paper(s) will re-sit the paper(s) in the supplementary examinations.

Students will be required to pass all courses before graduation.

Nonetheless, students who fail to obtain 1.0 GPA, at any point in time during the course of the programme, will be withdrawn.



The assessment will be based on 40% Continuous Assessment and 60% End of Semester Examinations. The number of Continuous Assessment scores will be clearly spelt out for each course. Assessment will be part of the whole cycle of learning and not just an external phenomenon.

The following assessment schemes current operate at CSUC:

Raw Score Grade Credit Value Interpretation
80 – 100         A 4.0 Excellent
75 – 79 B+ 3.5 Very Good
70 – 74         B 3.0 Good
65 – 69 C+ 2.5 Average
60 – 64         C 2.0 Fair
55 – 59 D+ 1.5 Barely Satisfactory
50 -54         D 1.0 Weak Pass
Below 50         E 0.0 Fail



A pass in all required subjects

  • GPA of not less than 1.0 in all courses offered is the minimum requirement for the award of a Degree.
  • Successful completion of “Out” Segment Programme.
  • Successful completion of Project work.



Job opportunities for successful graduates are available in:

  • Public basic schools, as teachers/head-teachers
  • Private basic schools, as teachers/head-teachers
  • Ministry of Education / Ghana Education Service Offices


Year Semester Basic Education Courses Professional Courses Total Credit Hours
1 1 15 3 18
2 12 6 18
2 1 12 6 18
2 3 15 18
3 1 15 3 18
2 9 9 18
4 1 3 12 15
2 Project work

Off  Campus Teaching / Internship





Total 69 69 138


Course Codes

The course codes used indicate the two main categories of courses:

  • Basic Education Courses
  • Professional Courses
  • BEDB code means “Bachelor of Education – Basic
  • BEDP code means “Bachelor of Education – Professional
  • CSUC & SREC are codes for some existing University College Required Courses.


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