Email :kowusubempah@csuc.edu.gh
Kwame Owusu Bempah is a PHD holder in Pure mathematics at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and a multidisciplinary researcher but my main interest is in mathematical algorithms, pure and applied mathematics
Educational Background:
- Pure Mathematics , KNUST, 2018
- BEd . Mathematics, Valley View University, 2019
- Post graduate Diploma in Education, PGDE, UEW-K, 2013
- Chemical Engineering, KNUST, 2007
Community Service:
- Member of the University choir
Area of Specialization:
- Mathematical algorithms
- Pure mathematics and Applied Mathematics
- Abstract algebra
- Cryptography
Recent Publications Publications In Refereed Journals:
- Kwame Owusu Bempah (2020) Comparison of a Proposed Algorithm with the Hill
Cipher Algorithm in Cryptography; International Journal of Scientific and Research
Publications, ISSN 2250-3153.
- Kwame Owusu Bempah (2021) Convergence of Inverse Eigenvalue Problem Using
the Fibre Approach with Structure Group SO(n); International Journal of Innovative
Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN(Online) 2348-7968.
- Kwame Owusu Bempah (2021) On The Concept of Cyclotomic Polynomials in Galois
Fields; World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development,
ISSN 2454-6615.
Research Works Undertaken:
- Application of Galois theory
- Cryptographic Algorithms