Joseph Kofi Nkuah (Dr.)
Head of Department- Marketing, Logistics and Corporate Strategy.
Educational Qualifications:
- Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), Atlantic International University, USA, 2019
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Human Resources Management) –
University of Paris, Graduate School of Management- 2006 – 2008 - Doctorate in Educational Administration (DEd) ( Candidate)- Universidad Azteca,
Mexico – 2012 to date (Thesis Stage ) - PhD in Public Administration (Candidate) – Universidad Central de Nicaragua (UCN) –
2012 to date (Thesis Stage) - Graduate Diploma in Management - Institute of Professional Manager’s Association,
United Kingdom – 2003 - Graduate Diploma (Fdip) Chartered Institute of Administrator’s and Management
Consultants, Ghana- 2003 - Post Graduate Diploma in Tax Administration, Ghana Institute of Management and
Public Administration, Ghana – 2001 - Certificate in Tax Collection, US Department of the Treasury/Internal Revenue Service –
2004 - Certificate in Human Resources Management, University of Ghana Business School –
2002 - Higher Stage Diploma in Economics, Institute of Management Studies (University
College of Management Studies) /London Chamber of Commerce, United Kingdom –
1980 -1982
Professional Qualifications:
- Fellow, Institute of Certified Economist of Ghana (FCE) – October, 2012 – FCE00145/12
- Member, Institute of Certified Economist of Ghana (CE) - July 2011
- Fellow, Chartered Management Institute- Membership ID: P50022872 (UK) - 2011
- Certified International Professional Manager (CIPM) United Kingdom – 2003 – L/NO:009678158
- Chartered Administrator and Management Consultant (CmC) Ghana – 2003 - C/NO: PB47/CMC/96
- Chartered Professional Administrator (ChPA) Ghana - 2003
- Member, Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (United Kingdom) 1989 – Student No: 6375819
Areas of Specialization:
- Business and Fiscal Policy
Service to the Community:
- Director, Governing Board, Ghana National Procurement Agency – 2019 to date
- "Quarterly Franklin Member of United Kingdom" (Membership ID#BM87638), 2018
- Member Consultant to develop Ghana Beyond Aid Policy, Northern Sector, 2018
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Business, Management and Economics Research,2013 to date
- Internal Examiner, KNUST Institute of Distance Learning, Management in Organisations – 2013
- Internal Examiner, KNUST Institute of Distance Learning, Final Dissertations - 2013
- Member, Consultants for United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
/Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ghana to develop the following policies: - Policy Prescriptions for Technology and Innovation
- Science, Technology and Innovation(STI) for the Development of STI Development
Programme for Driving Ghana to Middle Income Status(STIDEP) – 2011 – 2015 - Ghana Industrial Policy July 1 st 2011
Published Peer reviewed articles / Book Chapters/ Academic books:
Authored Books:
- Nkuah, J.K.(2012) Principles and Practice of Human Resource Management, Ginbad Press,
ISBN 978-9988-1-7174-2 - Nkuah, J.K. and Agyeman-Aning A. (2020), Principles and Practice of Tax Administration in
Ghana, ISBN 978–9988–1-7172-1 - Nkuah, J.K. and Agyeman-Aning A. (2013) Advanced Tax Accounting - International
Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE) 19 th July, 2013 ISBNs -
9781622650149, 9781622650156. - Nkuah, J.K. (2012) Tax Accounting for Tertiary Students, KNUST Press, ISBN 978–9988–1-
Publications in Peer – Reviewed Journals
- Adongo S,A, Nkuah J.K., Nkukpornu E.,(2020) “Economic Development and FDI
Spillover: A Causality Analysis for Ghana”, Journal of Business & Economic Policy,
editor@jbepnet.com - Adongo S,A, Nkuah J.K., Nkukpornu E.,(2020) “Economic Growth Implications Of
Offshoring Among FDI’s In Ghana: An Additive Fuzzy Integrals Approach”, Archives of
Business Research, abr.scholarpublishing@gmail.com - Adongo S,A, Nkuah J.K., Nkukpornu E.,(2020) “Strategic Pillars in Offshoring and
Reshoring Decision Among FDI’s In Ghana : A Position Paper”, Journal Of Economics
& Management, Contact.Jesmr@Onlinescientificresearch.Biz - Ampong I, Nkuah J.K. Okyere E. (2020) “Training and Development: Does it matter in
Quality Service Delivery at Sinapi Aba”, American International Journal of Business
Management (AIJBM Journal). www.aijbm.com), Issue: Vol. 1; No. 1; May 2020 pp. 1-27 - Joseph Kofi Nkuah, Eugene Addison, Joseph Gyanvi-Blay (2019), The Tax
Administrator’s Dilemma: To Tax or Not to Tax Church Incomes in Ghana, Saudi
Journal of Economics and Finance, ISSN 2523-9414 (Print) |ISSN 2523-6563 (Online)
Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Journal homepage:
http://saudijournals.com/sjef/ , DOI: 10.36348/SJEF.2019.v03i11.00X - Nkuah J.K. Asamoah K., Berko E., Adu-Poku S., (April, 2019) “Assessing the
Implementation Challenges of the Procurement Act of Ghana: The Newmont Ghana
Experience” SOCIALSCI JOURNAL Vol. 3, ISSN 2581-6624 - Nkuah J.K , Berko E. (2018) “Assessing the link between Petroleum Prices Hikes on
Transport Fares in WA Municipality” Journal of Global Economics, vol. 6, issue 1
8. Nkuah J.K, Dakurah A.A (2017) “Assessing Budgeting and Budgetary Control
Effectiveness of selected Credit Unions in the Upper West Chapter of Ghana”
International Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management
www.ijrbem.com - Nkuah J.K., Berko E., Mensa A. (2017) “Forecasting the Demand for Petroleum
Products: A Guide to Long Term National Strategic Planning” International Journal of
Economics and Financial Research, Vol. 3, No 7, pp. 92 -116 www.arpweb.com - Berko E., Nkuah J.K, Nangpiire C. (2017) Trend Analysis of Consumer Price Index:
Useful Lessons for Business Decision Making in Ghana? International Journal of
Economics and Financial Research, Vol. 3, No 8, pp. 130 -148 www.arpweb.com - Nkuah J.K , Ampah Daniel, Berko E. (2017) “Strategising To Maximise Revenue
Mobilisation: Assessing The Success Factors of Integrating Revenue Agencies” Advance
in Social Sciences Research Journal, Society for Sciences and Education, United
Kingdom – Accepted for publication - Nkuah J.K. (2017) “ Assessing the links between Tax Increases and the Spending
Patterns of the People of WA” International Journal of Accounting and Taxation ISSN
2348-4978, www.ijatnet.com – Accepted for Publication - Nkuah J.K. ( 2017) “Tax Cuts and Revenue mobilization in Wa Municipality of Ghana”
Sylwan Journal http://www.sylwan.ibles.org/artykul.html -Accepted for Publication - Kannyiri T. B, Nkuah J.K (2015) “Limited Stock Market Participation in Ghana: A
Behavioural Explanation” International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research,
Vol. 3(6), pp. 286-305, http://www.tesdo.org/Publication.aspx - Nkuah J.K, Appiah – Kusi F, Asamoah K.(2015) “Examining the Correlation between
Accounting Systems of Small and Micro Enterprises and Tax Revenue Assessment in
Ghana” Asian Academic Research Journal of Social-Science and Humanities Volume 1,
Issue 32, ISSN : 2278 – 859X www.asianacademicresearch.org - Nkuah J.K, Appiah – Kusi F, Asamoah K.(2015) “Whipping Up Voluntary Tax
Compliance in the District Assemblies of Ghana” International Journal of Advanced
Research in Management and Social Sciences: http://www.garph.co.uk/ - Nkuah J.K, Nsubuga L.F. (2015) “The Link between Tax Incentives and Revenue
Mobilisation in Ghana” Asian Academic Research Associates Journal:
http://www.asianacademicresearch.org/instantpay.html - Nkuah J.K, Nsubuga L.F.(2015) “To or not to tax: The Dilemma of the Policy maker in
Ghana ” Asian Academic Research Associates Journal :
http://www.asianacademicresearch.org/instantpay.html - Nkuah J.K, Essel A, Nsubuga L.F.(2015) “An Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction
Levels among the Various Mobile Telecommunication Networks in the Wa
Municipality” International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management,
Vol.2, Issue 4, pp. 1-15 - Attakora-Amaniampong E., Nkuah J.K, Salakpi A. (2014) “Ghanaian Firms and Human
Resource Management Practices” International Journal of Business and Management,
Vol. 2, Issue 6, ISSN 2321 – 8916 www.theijbm.com - Berko E., Nkuah J.K ,Nangpiire C. (2014) “Branding the White Horse Negatively: The
Public Procurement Act of Ghana Stands Accused” International Journal of Academic
Research in Public Policy and Governance , Vol. 1, No. 1 ISSN 2312-4040
www.hrmars.com - Attakora-Amaniampong E., Nkuah J.K, Nangpiire C. (2014) " Residential Development
and Borrowing in Ghana: A Challenge for Banks and Private Estate developers "
International Journal of Empirical Finance. www.rassweb.com IJEF-14-48 - Nsiah Asare L., Nkuah J.K., Asante J. (February, 2013) “Regulating Non-Bank
Financial Institutions in Ghana: Does it have an Effect on their Operations?” Merit
Research Journals, Vol. 1, page 4, www.meritreserachjournals.com - Nkuah J.K. Agyeman-Aning A., Asante J. (November, 2013) “Enhancing
Organisational Performance in Financial Institutions: Is Business Outsourcing the
Solution?” International Journal of Management and Sustainability.
www.pakinsight.com - Owusu- Sekyere, E., Opare-Asamoah, K., Nkuah, J.K.(March, 2013) Perceptions and
Attitudes: The Challenge of Managing Buruli Ulcer Morbidity in Ghana, International
Journal of Sciences, ISSN 2305- 3925(http://www.ijSciences.com ) vol. 2 - Owusu- Sekyere, E., Nkuah, J.K, Andrews Salakpi (April 2013 Vol. 2(4), pp. 078-086)
Occupational Health Concerns among Solid Waste Management Workers in the Kumasi
Metropolitan Area of Ghana: Global Advanced Research Journal of Social Science
(GARJSS) (http://garj.org/garjss/index.htm) - Nkuah J.K., Tanyeh J.P., Abubakari A.B. (June 2013) An Assessment of the Impact of
Microfinance Schemes on Poverty Reduction among Women in Ghana. Journal of
Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN
2222-2855 (Online) Vol.4, No.10, 2013 - Owusu Sekyere, E, Nkuah, J. K. (2013) Towards Sustainable Solid Waste Management
in the Kumasi Metropolitan Area: Beyond the Policies and Legislations: - African Journal of
Sustainable Development ISSN 2315-6317 Volume 2 Number 1/2012 - Nkuah J.K., Tanyeh J.P, Kala Gaeten (July 2013) Financing Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana: Challenges and Determinants in Accessing Bank Credit:
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, ISSN 2307-227X Volume 2:No. 3
July,2013 www.ijsk.org/ijrss - Nkuah J.K, Tanyeh J.P, Asante J (2013) The Relationship between Financial Control
Systems and Public Sector Efficiency in Ghana: International Journal of Advanced Research
in Management and Social Sciences, Vol. 2 | No. 7 | July 2013 ISSN 2278- 6236
(www.garph.co.uk ) - Nkuah J.K, Asante J ,Tanyeh J.P.(August 2013) An Assessment of the Role of Financial
Institutions in Financing Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) in Ghana: International
Journal of Innovative Research & Development ISSN 2278 – 0211 www.ijrid.com - Nkuah J.K, Angko W, Assibi-Amoah A. (July, 2013) Weaning Women with Disability
in Ghana from Poverty: Is Micro-Credit the Solution? : International Journal of Research in
Management (IJRM) ISSN No: 2249-5908 Issue 3, Vol. 4) July 13 www.rspublication.com - Sabutey Terkper, G. Nkuah, J.K. Sumani Mohammed A. (September, 2013) Enhancing
Productivity in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana: An Assessment of the Leadership Factor:
International Journal of Business and Management Review Vol.1, No.3, pp.188-214
www.ea-journals.org - Abudu A.M, Nkuah J.K. (October, 2013) Reducing Employee Turnover in Tertiary
Institutions in Ghana: The Role of Motivation: Journal of Education and Practice, ISSN
(Paper) 2222-1735 ISSN (Online) 2222-288X: Vol.4, No.18, 2013 www.iiste.org - Nkuah J.K, Asante J, Ansonglenang G. (September, 2013) Exploring the Relationship
between Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) and Economic Growth in Ghana: Journal of
Business Administration and Education www.infintypress.info - Abudu A.M, Nkuah J.K. Nuhu Y (October, 2013) Bridging the Security gap in Ghana:
The role of Private Security: ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online) Vol.3,
No.10, 2013
Research in Progress:
- Attracting Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Tax Exemption Policy from 2010 - 2013
- Assessing the Success Factors of the Integration of the Revenue Agencies in Ghana –
Unpublished - Joseph Kofi Nkuah, 2 Etse Nkukpornu 3 , Listing on the Ghana Stock Exchange: Does it
Matter? In progress
Non Peer reviewed Publications:
- i. Research Studies as part of the qualifying project for the Chartered Professional
Administrators of Administration, Ghana, Practising License
- i. Research Studies as part of the qualifying project for the Chartered Professional
Topic: An Independent Evaluation of quality systems, policies, procedures, and
activities of the Internal Revenue Service, Ghana
- ii. Research Project in partial fulfillment of the MBA (Human Resources Management)
from the University of Paris, Graduate School of Management
- ii. Research Project in partial fulfillment of the MBA (Human Resources Management)
Topic: An examination of Corporate Attitudes towards employing people with
Disabilities in the Ghanaian Public Service: A case study of the Internal Revenue
Service, Ghana, - 2008
Conference papers:
- Procurment Planning in MMDA’s – Paper delivered by Joseph Kofi Nkuah at the Wa
Municipal Assembly Capacity Building Workshop on 28 th November, 2018 - Report/Minutes Writhing Skills for Administrators of MMDA’s – Paper delivered by
Joseph Kofi Nkuah at the Wa Municipal Assembly Capacity Building Workshop on 21 st
November, 2018 - Cost Reduction and Financing Options of the Free Senior High School (SHS)
Paper delivered by: Joseph Kofi Nkuah at the International advocacy workshop on
“Fiscal Policies to Tackle Inequality in Ghana,” organised by West Africa Civil Society
Forum (WACSOF), in Accra, February 17 th , 2017 - International tax education seminar for taxpayers in Ghana, held at the WA regional
Library, on 10 th August, 2017 – Chairman of Programme - Facilitator - Business Policy/Strategic Management Seminar, Organised by Chartered
Institute of Administrators and Management Consultants, 2017 - Facilitator - Marketing Consultancy Service Seminar, Organised by Chartered Institute
of Administrators and Management Consultants, 2017 - Facilitator - Service Marketing Seminar, Organised by Chartered Institute of
Administrators and Management Consultants, 2017 - Facilitator – Management Consultancy Seminar, Organised by Chartered Institute of
Administrators and Management Consultants, 2017 - Ghanaian Businesses: How Long Can They Survive? Paper Delivered By: Joseph Kofi
Nkuah at the Young Entrepreneurs Programme [YEP] Western Regional Chapter Launch
on Monday 3 rd May, 2016 at Ahenfie Hotel, Takoradi - Health Care Financing in Ghana: The Way Forward: Paper Delivered by Joseph Kofi
Nkuah at the Stakeholders Meeting of National Health Insurance Post-Implementation
Analysis in the Upper West Region, WA on 30 th November, 2015 - Tax education seminar on GRA Act, 2015 (Act 896) organised by Institute of
Management and Entrepreneurship (Accra) at the In-Service Training Centre, WA on the
14 th – 15 th September, 2016 - Chairman of Programme: