Stephen Banahene (Dr.)
Vice President,Senior Lecturer
Email: sbanahene@csuc.edu.gh
Dr. Stephen Banahene is a Chartered Marketer who adopts research-led approach to teaching business courses. He has strong background in the design and implementation of marketing strategies and research.
Educational Background:
- PhD Business Management, Universad Empresarial De Costa Rica, Costa Rica
- Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (Chartered Institute of Marketing)
- MA in Industrial Management, KNUST
- MCIM, Charted Institute of Marketing, UK
- BA (Hons) University of Ghana
Community Service:
- Dean, CSUC School of Business
- Ag. Head of Department, Management and General Studies
- External Examiner, University for Development Studies, Ghana
- Board Chairman, Adanwomasi Senior High School
- 2012 to Date - Staff Representative on Christian Service University College Council.
- 2012 to Date - External Examiner to University for Development Studies Postgraduate Programme in Business Administration.
- 2014 – Chairman for CSUC 40th Anniversary Committee.
- 2015 – Chairman for CSUC 2015/2016 Admissions Publicity Committee.
- 2013 to Date - Head of Department of Marketing, Logistics and Corporate Strategy, Christian Service University College.
- 2011 to 2012 - Examination Officer, Department of Business Studies, Christian Service University College.
- 2008 to 2011 - Head of Department of Business Studies, Christian Service University College.
- 2008 to 2010 - Chairman, CSUC Staff Welfare, Christian Service University College.
- 2014 to Date – Chairman, Adanwomasi Senior High School Board of Governors.
Area of Specialization:
- Brand Management
- Strategic Marketing
- Strategy Management Implementation
- Small Business Development
- Service Marketing
- Export Marketing
Recent Publications
Publications In Refereed Journals
- Banahene, S., Davis, M.S., & Asamoah, A. (2018). Effect of CTOP on behavioural intentions in the banking sector: The mediation role of trust. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, Vol 5, No. 8, pp 488-504.
- Banahene, S., Kraa, J. J. & Kasu, P. A. (2018). Impact of HEdPERF on students’ satisfaction and academic performance in Ghanaian universities: Mediating role of attitude towards learning. Journal of Social Science, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp 96-119.
- Banahene, S., Kraa, J. J. & Agbenyo L. (2018). The impact of brand personality on students enrolment intentions: The mediating role of brand engagement – evidence from Ghana. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp 1-20.
- Banahene, S., Kraa, J. J. & Opuni, F. F. (2018). Effect of Service Quality on Students’ intention to provide funding support to Private Universities in Ghana: The Mediating role of Students’ satisfaction. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, Vol 5, No. 5, pp 138-152.
- Kraa, J. J., Banahene, S., & Quartey, J. A. (2017). Impact of social media usage on academic performance; mediating role of attitude towards learning; an empirical study of private university students in Ghana. Journal of Education, Vol 6 No. 2, pp 1-16.
- Banahene, S., Ahudey, E. & Asamoah, A. (2017), The impact of brand personality on students’ self-concept and brand engagement, International Journal of Business and Social Research, Vol 07, Issue 08. 12-25.
- Banahene, S., Ahudey, E. & Asamoah, A. (2017), Analysis of SERVQUAL application to service quality measurement and its impact on loyalty in Ghanaian Private Universities, Journal of Management and Strategy, Vol 8, No. 4; 2017.
- Obour, R., Banahene, S., & Aboagye Da-Costa, C. (2017), The measurement of Christian workers’ citizenship behaviour in contemporary workplace in Kumasi, Ghana, European Journal of Business Management, Vol 9, No. 17; 2017.
- Banahene, S., Ahudey, E. & Asamoah, A. (2017), The measurement of organisational citizenship behaviour and its impact on job satisfaction and loyalty among Christian workers in Ghana, International Journal of Business Marketing and Management, Vol 2, Issue 5; 2017.
- Banahene, S., Ahudey, E & Mensah, C. (2016), Analysis of Macro Environment for Strategic Implementation: What is important to Handicraft Export Organisations in Ghana? International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, Vol 7(3), 2016.
- Banahene, S. & Agbevenu, G. (2015), An Insight into Strategic Management Implementation Practices of Handicraft Export Organisations in Ghana, International Journal of Accounting, Banking and Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, February, 2015.
- Ahenkora, K., Arthur, Y. D., & Banahene, S.(2013), Agribusiness Strategy: Adding value to the Mushroom Value Chain, International Journal of Technology and Management, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2013).
- Ahenkora, K., Banahene, S., & Quartey, J. (2013), Societal Value Antecedent of Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Strategy, Journal of Management and Strategy, Vol. 4, No. 4: November 2013.
- Banahene, S., Ahenkora, K. & Amoako, L. (2012,) A Strategic View on Rural Export-Led Projects, International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, Vol 3(3) 2012, 531-535
- Ahenkora, K., Yarhans, D. A., & Banahene, S. (2012) Marketing Strategy for Soybean Product: Familiarity Breeds Content, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol 4, No. 3: June 2012
- Banahene, S. et al (2012) A Strategic View on Rural Export-Led Projects, International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, Vol 3(3) 2012, 531-535
- Ahenkora, K., Yarhans, D. A., Banahene, S. (2012) Marketing Strategy for Soybean Product: Familiarity Breeds Content, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol 4, No. 3: June 2012.
- Ahenkora, K., Arthur, Y. D., and Banahene, S.(2013), Agribusiness Strategy: Adding value to the Mushroom Value Chain, International Journal of Technology and Management, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2013).
- Ahenkora, K., Banahene, S.,(2013) Societal Value Antecedent of Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Strategy, Journal of Management and Strategy, Vol. 4, No. 4: November 2013.
- Banahene, S. and Agbevenu, G. (2015) An Insight into Strategic Management Implementation Practices of Handicraft Export Organisations in Ghana, International Journal of Accounting, Banking and Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, February, 2015.
- Banahene, s., Ahudey, E and Mensah, C. (2016) Analysis of Macro Environment for Strategic Implementation: What is important to Handicraft Export Organisations in Ghana? International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, Vol 7(3), 2016.
- The Service Quality items that creates differentiation strategy: The perspective of five Private Universities in Kumasi, Ghana. (under peer review)
- The antecedents of students’ dissatisfaction and loyalty in private universities in Kumasi, Ghana: Using Servqual model as a tool of measurement. (under peer review)
Other Publications:
- Banahene, S. (2010).‘’Competitor Analysis – How do you do yours?’’ Published by Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN). Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1653884
- Banahene, S. (2010).‘’Optimizing Corporate Social Responsibility – An approach to sustainable business growth’’, Published by Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN). Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=11735827
Research Works Undertaken
- Analysis of export products and markets for Non Traditional Exports in Ghana. (2001)
- Analysis of Sevqual model on service quality management of Private Universities in Ghana. (2016)
- An assessment of Porter’s competitive model on strategy implementation practice: using handicraft export organisations in Ghana.(2015)
- An empirical analysis of business strategic models of selected organisations in Ghana.(2015)
- An empirical analysis of Aaker’s Brand Personality Scale on Christian Service University College Brand management: Using Resource-Based Theory as a benchmark.(2016)
Consultancy Services:
- 2013 to 2014 – Marketing Consultant to Kumasi Abattoir Company Ltd.
- 2011 to 2012 – Project Consultant to New Vision Company Ltdat Bolgatanga.
- 2007 - Resource Person to National Board for Small Scale Industries in Ashanti Region and Ghana-German Alumni Network for Business Training.
- 2010 – Joint Consultancy to develop Strategic Business Plan for Grace Baptist School in Kumasi.