Abena Korang Acheampong Abaitey (Mrs)
Email: akabaitey@csuc.edu.gh, orakazelakazel@gmail.com
Educational Qualifications:
- Development Planning and Management, KNUST, Kumasi, 2008
- Planning, KNUST, Kumasi, 2005
- Certificate in Competency based Economies throughFormation of Enterprises(CEFE), CEFE International, Germany, 2012
- Certificate in Sustainable Urban Land Use Planning (E Learning Programme) World Bank Institute, 2011
- Certificate in Local Economic Development, Institute of Local Government Studies, Accra and Mesopartner Academy, South Africa, 2010
- Certificate in Post Graduate Diploma, Shelter Design and Development, Lund University, Sweden, 2010
Service to the Community:
- Examination officer, Department of Planning and Development, Christian Service University College (CSUC), Kumasi
- Member, Academic Board, Christian Service University College (2013 to date)
- Member, Examination Committee, Christian Service University College (2013 to date)
- Member, Staff Development Policy Plan, Christian Service University College. (January to June, 2016)
- Acting Head of Department, Planning and Development, CSUC, Kumasi (2014 to 2015)
- Programme’s Coordinator, GIZ /ILGS Public Private Partnership Project (2011 to 2012
- Acting Head of Department, Urban &Environmental Management, Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS), Accra. (2010 to 2011)
- Lay Bible reader and Sunday School Teacher, Bethel Methodist Church, Ayigya, Kumasi
Areas of Specialization:
- Urban Planning and Management
- Sustainable Urban Land use planning
- Solid waste management and sanitation issues
- Community Participation
- Advocacy Research
- Local and Economic Development
- Plans and Policy Analysis
Publications in peer- reviewed journals:
Journal Articles (Published)
- Obodai J, Adjei O-W. P. Hameenoo, S. V. Q, Abaitey A. K. A. (2017) Towards household food security in Ghana: Assessment of Ghana’s Expanded Forest Plantation Programmein Asante Akim South, Springer (GeoJournal)
- Acheampong A. K (2010)Improving Sanitation in Poor Urban Settlements Exploring the Option of Community Led Sanitation Approach in Ashaiman Municipality, Ghana, Housing Development and Management, University of Lund, Sweden
- Abaitey, A. K. A. (2011) Improving Sanitation in Poor Urban Areas: The Role of Non state Actors in the Sanitation Service delivery in Ashaiman Municipality Ministry of Water Resources and Housing, Ghana Water Forum Journal, First edition, Vol. 1 Pgs 2-7, Ghana Water Forum Water and Sanitation Services Delivery in a Rapidly Changing Urban Environment https://ghanawaterforum.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/gwf-3-journal-online-version.pdf
Articles under review
- Nyamadi V. M, Abaitey A. K and Donu, S. (under review) The Effects of Women Empowerment Activities on the productivity of women Cocoa Farmers in Ghana: Evidence from Kooko Pa Project
- Abaitey, A. K,Obodai J, and Afrane Sam (under review) Complexities of water systems in small towns of Ghana: The case of Kokofu and Parambo-Sawaba Water supply systems.
Research in Progress
- Home care and support services in Ghana: Experiences from the ongoing innovative home care programmes.
- Informalities in solid waste management in Kumasi
- Regulatory informality for urban developmentdiscourse.
Conference Papers
- Obodai J., Asamoah P. K. B. Abaitey A. K. A, OkohAgyemang F. (2017) Challenges and Prospects of Women in the Informal Palm Kernel and Oil Processing Industry in Ghana: Evidence from the Bekwai Municipality. Presented atthe 3rd International Research Conference of the College OF Humanities, University of Ghana
- Abaitey A. K. Assibey G. B. Forson F. Asante L. (2017) Community Security Interventions and Crime Prevention in Selected Communities in Kumasi. Submitted to the 3rd International Research Conference of the College of Humanities, University of Ghana
Consultancy works
- Associate Consultant /Researcher, Business Sector Advocacy Challenge Fund Programme (BUSAC), Accra on the Research, Setting up of industrial wood village for Woodworkers in Konongo, August, 2012 to April, 2013.
- Associate Consultant, Department of Rural Housing, Accra, The Development of Training manual on Cooperative Housing for use by the District Works Department, GAMA, August 2010 to February 2011.